Kamis, 14 Juni 2012

Rendang Recipe

Rendang is top of the ten delicious cuisine in the world today.Because cooking meat rendang is already well proven by the tongue of the foreign country. How to make Rendang is simple and easy to follow. Maybe for a beginner ​​will get some difficulties but overall will be fine.
Rendang is came from Minangkabau (Famous call is Padang). Padang is the capital and largest city of West Sumatra, Indonesia.
Tips to make Rendang
Rendang Meat is much better served if the meat is tender. To be easy make soft meat, try to boil the meat first and then crushed.

For those of you who want to cook rendang would be a good idea to check the quality of beef and choose meat that is fresh and healthy food so you always healthy and clean.

This is Recipe of Rendang Meat :

Prepare for Subtle spice :
 - 250 grams of red pepper
- 4 cloves garlic
- 10 grains of red onion
- Ginger 1 cm
- 2 cm turmeric
- 4 cm galangal
- 2 Lime Leaves

- Salt to taste
Main Recipe :
- 1 kg beef topside
- Turmeric 2 bay leaves
- 4 bay leaves
- 2-3 pieces of acid kandis
- Coconut milk from coconuts 4 (a 2 liter), or 3 (200 ml) coconut milk + water ready
-salt to taste
- 4 segment lemongrass
- 15 lbr lime leaves and

How to Make Rendang Meat :
Boil the liquid coconut milk, lemongrass, lime leaves, tamarind, turmeric leaf, spices cooked until boiling. Insert the meat is cut into pieces, and cook again until the coconut milk is thick.
Enter the thick coconut milk. Cook until almost dry. Stir until browned and greasy rendang.

Here's Some Video I took on Youtube : 

 So this is it. I hope the best for you and good luck to make Rendang. see u on the next post. thankyou

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