Jumat, 15 Juni 2012

Madura Chicken Satay

Satay is a dish of marinated, skewered and grilled meat, served with a sauce.Satay is a very popular delicacy in Indonesia; Indonesia's diverse ethnic groups and culinary arts.but now I'll discuss about Chicken satay, especially in Madura is very famous. 
Madura is an Indonesian island off the northeastern coast of Java.
Chicken Satay is a Indonesian food that made from chicken meat. In general, cooked chicken satay with roasted with charcoal. And served with peanut sauce or condiment choice kecap.Sate is usually served with rice cake or rice. 

Tips & Trik
- Thew of satay madura is with a pecan which makes it tasty and delicious!.
- roasted satay not always with burn charcoal but You can also burn it on the stove with a wok burner or even a flat frying pan. 
- Soak skewers in cold water before use so that is not easily burned during combustion.

Here's the recipe :

     500 gr chicken meat / chicken fillet, cut into 2 X 1 X 0.5 cm
     1 pc lemon
     15-20 pcs Satay skewers

Subtle spice:
     1 pc large red pepper, seeded, trimmed
     Cayenne pepper 2 pcs
     4 red onions
     1 clove garlic
     5 pcs pecans, toasted
     2 teaspoons brown sugar
     1 teaspoon salt
     2 tablespoons cooking oil

Peanut Sauce:
     3 tablespoons oil or melted chicken fat
     150 peanuts, roasted, peeled, mashed or packaging can be replaced by Pinda Kaas
     2 tablespoons soy sauce
     150 ml of water

How to make Chicken Satay Madura:

 - Cut chicken into cubes, then prick-prick with a skewer and do until exhausted, set aside.
 - Puree all ingredients except peanut sauce, soy sauce, lime leaves and water until soft, then mixed with soy  sauce, water, lime leaves and cook until the oily and cooked, remove from heat.
 - Marinate the chicken satay with soy sauce added a little spice to the flat surface nuts.
 - Grilled skewers until cooked while turned upside down and covered in ketchup sis seasoning, remove from heat.
 - Serve chicken satay with peanut sauce, lemon juice and rice cake.

and I give you the Video, take from Youtube :

So this is it, thanks for read my blog and good luck, maybe next time posting make different satay from Indonesia . thank you.

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